
Saturday, December 31, 2011


The pages of our old calendar have reached their end. I purchased a new calendar for my wife on Boxing day.....after all they were fifty percent off......why not? And with the change in years, begins a process in which the masses promise to lose weight, exercise more, spend more time with their families or stop smoking (all good things to do).  But I get this feeling we have done this all before.....
However, what I do know is lost in all the confetti, midnight parties, and "Dick Clarks Rocking New Years Eve" is genuine reflection. Taking a look back on the year that was, seeing the great blessings God has provided. Reflecting on the challenges the LORD has brought across our bows in order to purify His people and conform us more and more into the image of His beloved Son. Basking in His great and perfect love......and of looking forward to what is coming down the pipe.
Some of the simple things I have seen in our lives is health....eyes that see...ears that hear...legs that walk.....and children who know the LORD. A relationship with God......the fact He hears our prayers.....a roof to keep the rain off our heads.....songs of praise......Christmas lights and friends. All these simple blessings help to outweigh the challenges that have to be faced in a world that reflects the character of it's master, he who appears as an angel of light......but comes to destroy and kill.
The anticipation of a new year brings to most a sense hope, anticipation, and expected prosperity. Who could argue that this past year seemed to be more difficult than the others we have seen in the 21st century.......massive earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, death, corruption, economic meltdowns........I am afraid that those who are hoping, expecting (in some cases demanding) a better year characterized with prosperity and well being will find themselves on the eve of next New Years expecting the same things, realizing that the past year didn't live up to their expectations either.
Prosperity and fulfillment  may happen......but for most it will not......therefore it may be necessary to reevaluate where our hope is laid.......or should I say WHO is our hope laid in?
With the passing of another year, I know, according to God's Word, we are closer to the end.......the second coming of Jesus the Christ......not in humble estates as His first advent, which we just celebrated at Christmas, but victoriously, as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. A New Year that could see the vindication of the LORD and His people....a year that God's people can enter into their rest and have faith give way to sight. A New Year where events are put in motion that will see the New Jerusalem and God's kingdom come fully unto the earth. A year where pain, suffering, evil, wickedness, destitution, sin and death will be ultimately dealt with.
I guess this isn't the same old new year.....I guess it does hold hope, excitement and anticipation.......but the BIG difference is the source of that emotion.......namely Christ Jesus.
So hang up that new may just be the last one you do........

"Surely I am coming quickly." Amen. Even so, come so Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20)

Saturday, December 24, 2011


As my eyes dart over the pages of Luke, I am reminded again of the incredible scene the doctor presents us with. As somewhat of an amateur historian, Luke researched his findings with great care and presents us with incredible details that help to fill in the question we all ask, "What happened that first Christmas?" and most importantly, "What does it mean?"

First the mention of Caesar Augustus, a man of history. The ruler of Rome, imputed with great social status, power and privilege. Deemed the "savior" of the ancient world, considered a "son of god", acknowledged as the man who brought "peace" to all of the Roman empire, his place was of highest honor. However God isn't interested in what mankind would deem as powerful. Status and social position is not a thing that impresses the King of Kings. Caesar's reign was small, limited to an empire that has long ago faded into the world's history books. His realm of power, small, insignificant compared with the vastness of the heavens and eternity. Luke will define for us what, or should I say Who, is the true power in this world.

Second the announcement of the divine birth of God's Son was not made in marble halls or against the backdrop of royal scarlet, but to those who lacked any position or status in the land. Meager shepherds, "watching their flocks by night." Working men, looking to support their families and sacrificing much to do so. It is to these men that the angelic announcement comes concerning a Boy born not to His parents, but to all of us. As the prophet Isaiah prophised seven hundred years earlier....."A Child is Born, A Son is given...." (Isaiah 9:6). It is the gift of God to a people that had, and still does, reject Him. A gift of grace.....a tangible Gift that displays God's great love for mankind. A Son us.......we like the shepherds, low, the lowly among God's creation....yet created in His image....A Son given to die in order for us to truly live.

Third, the great response of the shepherds. They searched out the Child, wrapped in swaddling cloths (a beautiful picture of the atoning death of Christ to come.......for Jesus never was far from the shadow of Calvary's Cross). And they came with great haste.......they ran to see the Child....gazing upon the face of THE SON of David. Sent by God to deliver them......but they may have not realized the extent to which this Child would deliver......not just Jews, but Gentiles (For in the descendent of Abraham all the families of the world would be blessed). Not just the religious, but more so the unrighteous. He came down from the place of Heaven, the place eternal, to the earth.......the greatest gift of Christmas.

His government will be ruled by justice and righteousness. A kingdom that will be ruled by love and grace. A government that will have no end, but stretches to all the ends of reality.....the visible and invisible. Caesar's reign has no comparison to the Price of Peace.

God's Son has been born to us.......a gift given from the Father Himself to mankind. What more evidence is needed to prove His great and perfect love for the imperfect?

And finally.....the response of the will we respond this Christmas season? Will we run to Him with haste, the same haste children do Christmas morning towards a tree surrounded by presents? How will you respond? How will we all respond this Christmas to the Savior, the bringer of peace, the true Son of God?

In the words of Charles Dickens classic "A Christmas Carol" I would like to echo the words of a young, crippled boy who knew the grace of God and loved the LORD........"God bless us, everyone."

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Today is the day for our annual Awana Christmas concert! The clubbers and leaders have worked hard to bring you what we hope will be an enjoyable night out at the chapel. Please remember to be at the chapel for 6:15 pm, with the program beginning at 6:30 pm. The program is approximately 45 minutes and please plan to stay afterward for refreshments and snacks in the gym. Everyone is invited, so we'll see you there!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


The Candy Cane Gang
There was a cold breeze in the air, but it couldn't dampen our spirits as we paraded down the streets of Pelham in the annual Christmas parade. Everyone had a great time handing out candy canes with the message of Jesus Christ. We sang a few Christmas carols while we marched along, laughed and rang out the "Merry Christmas" greeting to everyone we could see.
The clubbers did an incredible job carrying the Canada and Awana flags, as well as the "Merry Christmas from Ridgeville Bible Chapel" banner.
Some of the highlights from the day included seeing familiar faces in the crowd, getting pictures with a "Bobby sized" Teddy Bear, getting candy canes from Santa and Mrs.Claus, pony rides and great eats.
Thanks everyone who was involved, in particular Kim Wiley, Al Nickel, Pauline Cooper, Laura Halek, Yvonne Labbe and those parents who helped walk with thier Cubbies.
AND.......DON'T FORGET THE CHRISTMAS CONCERT THIS TUESDAY AT 6:30 PM. Please be at the chapel for 6:15 pm and plan to stay afterwards for refreshments and goodies. See you then!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Today is the day....the Pelham Christmas parade. Clubbers, please meet at Bethany Christian Reformed Church on Balfour St between 11:30-12 noon. We will get orgnized there and march on our way. We will be singing carols, carrying the Awana flag and reminding the public what Christmas is really about....the birth of a Son, given to man, to pay for our sins.
Let's pray for safety and a great time proclaming the good news of the Gospel to our community.
And remember....DRESS WARMLY! It's easier to take off layers than not to have any at all.
Pick up is at Centennial Park at the end of the parade. There are activities and snacks for everyone. Please remember parents, that at the completion of the parade, you will be responsible for your children. Thanks.
See you there!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


The two winning teams of the last quarter are entitled to join Commander Bobby at the chapel for pizza and a of right now we're not sure what movie will be playing, but will probably have a Christmas theme given the time of year.
As always, parents are invited. Please be at the chapel for 6:15 for pizza with the movie starting at about 6:45 pm. For those parents who are dropping off kids, pick up is for approximately 8 pm.
Don't forget to circle December 13th on your calendars for our annual Awana Christmas Concert beginning at 6:30 pm. Please have clubbers at the chapel for 6:15 pm so we can prepare for the performance.
See you all soon.......

Thursday, December 1, 2011


This is short notice, but the Awana club at RBC will be entering the Fenwick Christmas Parade again this year! It is being held on December 10th beginning at 11:30 am for participants. The parade itself will begin at 1 pm and finishing up at Centennial Park where there will be activities and food!
Notices will be sent home on Tuesday and Club Directors will be contacting clubbers parents with more info.
Great time last year at the parade!
This year we will be walking the route with our flags so I will be looking for a few volunteers to hold the flags and signs. We will be handing out candy canes and some other we'll see you there!

Monday, November 28, 2011

There's always hope!

Bombers forever!
Grey Cup Sunday saw the defeat of my beloved Blue Bombers to the B.C. Lions 34 to 23. It was another heart breaking loss for my team in the big game.....the fifth straight Grey Cup loss in the last 21 years. The longest championship drought in the CFL continues into next year. The great thing about it though is there's always next year....there is a sense of hope, despite the sting of emptiness and defeat. It's true the Bombers come away empty handed....but the turn around season, last year being only a 4 win season, to the incredible run to a 10 win season and a shot at Earl Grey's cup gives this fan a sense of satisfaction and hope. There's always hope for next year, and my prediction is a Grey Cup win for the big BLUE in the 100th Grey Cup in our own backyard, when it's hosted in Toronto.
Which brings me to the thought of hope. I saw the mass of humanity huddled in B.C. place taking in the sights and sounds of the big game on my television when I got home and couldn't help but wonder to myself, do they have hope in Jesus? They were all praying and hoping their respective teams would win the game, but do they know Him. Because with out Christ in one's life, really there is no hope. It is a hopeless existence to enter into eternity without the provisions of eternal life through the "Lamb who was led to the slaughter." (Isaiah 53:7)
Believers who have put their trust fully into the "Son of a carpenter" who gave His life in the most of humiliating way in order to redeem sinners have the greatest of HOPE, when they leave behind their mortal coil. It is a hope that does not disappoint. It is a hope of great promise. It is a hope of great truth that all the wickedness and evil that chokes this world will be judged and the light of God will penetrate it fully. It is a hope that recognizes that one day "every knee will bow and confess that Jesus is LORD." (Philippians 2:10-11).
It is a hope rooted in the fact that God has not lost control, but is fully in control of all things, "for in Him all things consist." (Colossians 1:17).
It is a hope that will give way to ultimate fulfillment when the LORD returns (hopefully before next year's Grey Cup!).
My question to you is do you know this type of hope? Or do your hopes rest in the nothingness, emptiness and lies of this world, because if they do, then you have no hope.

Monday, November 21, 2011


As alot of you know, I am a Winnipeg Blue Bombers fan.....and with their win on Sunday over the Ti-cats, they are on their way to BC for the 99th Grey Cup! I am one excited Bomber fan.!
But enough of that....some news on club. I will be away this week visiting one of our sister assemblies in St.Catharines, Brockview Bible Chapel and on Wednesday I'll be at Glenridge Bible Church.

My daughter Eternity outside Winnipeg Stadium
Clubbers, please work on your Christmas concert songs and lines. Please take the time to not only do that, but work on your verses and understand them. It's great to pass sections and recieve some great rewards, but the greatest reward is understanding the scriptures and allowing God to change you more and more into being like Jesus. 

Leaders, tonight, November 21st is the mini-conference for Welland/Niagara. We will begin at 7 pm and finish at 9:30 pm. See you tonight.

P.S. Only 6 days until Grey Cup....go BOMBERS!!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


There are times when the LORD clearly reveals how much I have. As I look around my home, I see alot of "stuff" that we have accumulated over the years. It's amazing how many things we can get and hold onto and deem as vitally important to our happiness. As we began to purge some of these things, I found myself losing the heart felt attachment to the items I once declared would never leave my possession until I died! I began to discard them and if they were still in good shape, decided to donate them to some ministries I knew could use them for the benefit of others. And the amazing thing was I felt no remorse! The attachment that once held my heart seemed to have disappeared. Now I don't feel guilty about the things I have, I see them as blessings of the life I have been given, living in a country as prosperous as ours (despite all the news otherwise). However, I know that we are the minority in the world. All the things we have run a serious danger of clouding our minds and turning our hearts away from God. It was a real work of the LORD to move me to rid my life of those things which served as the "high places" and took me away from trusting in Him more!
As I survey the small things we were able to stuff in our Christmas boxes, God again revealed to me the importance of blessing others (no matter how big or small) especially since I have been so very blessed. Some would argue that my family and I aren't necessarily that well off. Well to them all I have to say is my treasure is not bound up in the small trinkets and toys of this world, but transcend the wisdom and guise of all men. It is hidden in Christ in the Heavenly places. Jesus said to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all of these other things would be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33). After all Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, your heart will be also." (Luke 12:34). I want my heart to be wrapped up in Jesus and His Kingdom. Where is you treasure hidden this day?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Recovering nicely

Laura and I have been back from the Awana missions conference for a week now. But for some reason, I'm having a hard time getting caught up on any rest! Since being back, I taught at a mini conference workshop in Oakville at Hopedale Bible Chapel, then went on to a club visit to Meadow Creek Community Church in Hamilton. Then I went golfing on Wednesday for the day with a dear friend which seemingly took a lot out of me. But today is the day....I'm determined to get caught up on some reading and sleep.
The good news is that my Tuesday nights are free again and I will be at our local club until the end of this term! I've really missed the clubbers and leaders, but know that the work I'm doing is for the glory of God. I hope I've been an encouragement to the clubs I've visited (they have been a real encouragement to me) and LORD willing I will return for a second visit in the New Year.
So we begin our Christmas concert rehearsals over the next few weeks. I of course being a Christmas nut, am jazzed and am really excited to see what the Directors and clubbers have in store for the concert!
So I will see you all this Tuesday and don't forget the Commanders challenge......I'm dying to give out those extra points to any clubber who knows the answer.

I think I'll go out and check my outdoor Christmas lights this morning.....all this talk about Christmas has me in the mood for decorating (it isn't too early is it?????)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Backwards night tonight!
Clubbers and leaders, don't forget to arrive a little backwards tonight. It's that night of the year where everything is backwards. Dress backwards, wear your uniform backwards.....and if you're brave, talk backwards (I would like to see that). So have a great time tonight as I will be away on a club visit in Hamilton. But the good news is I will be back next week! See you then!

Monday, November 7, 2011

We're Back!

After an eventful and busy time away at the Canadian Awana Missionary Conference, we are glad to be home. It was a great time in Vancouver and the surrounding areas fellow-shipping with other missionaries from all around the country. We got to enjoy great teaching, great food, and the incredible sights from the west coast. The highlight would definitely have to be the Krispy Kream donut run (those of you who know what I mean know what I'm talking about!) It was a time to recharge our batteries, be encouraged, and see the global impact of this great ministry we call AWANA.
Now it's time to get back to work. I'm heading out to a mini conference to do some workshops in Oakville tonight about council time and the very thing I am doing now, blogging and the use of social media in ministry. This week also includes a number of club visits, which will take me away from our club at Ridgeville again this week. Al will again be the commander for the evening. And just so you all know, I miss you guys but LORD willing will see you all next week.
Have a great club night tomorrow, and memorize those verses!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Away this week

As most of you know, Laura and I are Awana missionaries for the Golden Horseshoe area. And with that responsibility comes travel. I have been away a few nights on club visits, but this week we will be away in Vancouver visiting the Awana headquarters. We will be doing some training, visiting and having fellowship with the other Canadian missionaries. I was also invited to speak at an Awana event on Friday November 4th. So please pray for us as we leave the kids in the capable hands of my mother in law, and that I don't faint from the flight (for those of you who don't know, I reeeaaaaalllllyyyyy don't like to fly!)
As for the club at Ridgeville, Al Nickel will be the commander for the night. Have a great time at club and LORD willing we will see you soon.


Unfortunately with the rain, we are forced to move back indoors tonight. Club will still begin at 6:15 with hot dogs for clubbers and parents that wish to stay. Leaders, please check your emails for an updated schedule for tonight.
As promised, it will be Lights Out night at the club, so bring your flashlights because the lights will be out.
It's a bummer that for the second year in a row we couldn't do this outing, but who knows maybe the LORD is protecting us in some way. Either way, the LORD is good to His people, we'll have fun inside! And from what I know, there's candy!!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Please remember to meet at Bry-Anne farms this Tuesday night, October 25th for club. We will be starting at 6:15 pm. Please, please, please remember to bring a flashligh and dress for the weather. Parents, if you are available to join us, please do. We will be having hotdogs and a great time (weather permitting of course). In the case of bad weather, we will meet at the chapel for lights out night, in which case clubbers will still need their flashlights. Calls will be made, but the best way to know what's going on is to check this blog before you leave for club.
I hope to see you all tomorrow night!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Crazy Hat Night fun!

Some of our winners from last night!
I missed out on the fun on Tuesday night with all the hats, but I heard it was a fun time. And there were alot of great designs and unique chapeaux (that's french for hat, though I probably spelt that wrong). Congradulations to all the winners!
Special thank you to Laura for filling in for games, Kevin for being commander for the night and Kim for getting the prizes for the winners.
Next week we will be meeting at Bry-Anne farms on Foss Rd for Harvest night. Bring your flashlights and be dressed for the weather. Keep your eyes on the blog in case the weather plays a factor in having to move club back to the chapel. Only persistent rain will move us back indoors.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


"Nice hat mister!"
Don't forget your crazy hats tonight clubbers (and leaders).
I will be away from the club at Ridgeville on a missionary visit to another club in Oakville. I'll definitely miss you guys! I know you all will have a great time tonight. Kevin will be stepping in as the Commander for the night.
Good luck all you guys with the crazy hats.
Another thing that is going on, is the release of Christmas Boxes from Samaritan's purse. Clubbers can take home a box and fill up it up with small toys, soap, pencil crayons and anything else they might think a child would like. Don't forget to write a check for $7 and place it in the box to cover the shipping costs. If you have any questions, contact me anytime.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rain, rain go away.....

Fall is really in the air. With all of that nice weather we had, I almost forgot what time of year it was. But that summer like weather is gone and it seems like we have to face the reality of the season, and the season that is on the way (winter!!!).
We have been having a great time at the club over the last few weeks. Despite being shorthanded at times, the clubbers have really excelled at their handbooks, passing sections like wildfire. We have a number of new clubbers including "Charlie", Sydney, and Eric. Welcome to the club guys! It has been great getting to know you guys over the last few club nights.
As for the next few weeks, here's what we have in store; October 18th is Crazy Hat night, October 25th is our trip to Bri-Anne Farms for our Harvest night, and on October 28th is our winning quarter movie and pizza night at the chapel.
Please continue to keep the club, the clubbers and it's leaders in your prayers as we continue to fulfill the mandate of reaching kids in the name of Christ and "train them to serve Him".

And finally, here is a thought to ponder........have you ever noticed how some Christians can be the grumpiest people you ever met. Their long faces, and judgmental decrees betray the reality that believers who genuinely follow Christ, even if going through a difficult time, are indwelt by the Spirit of God who gives us the fruit of His Spirit, which includes JOY! Joy should be the air we breathe on this earth, because of the position we have before God through our advocate and High Priest Jesus Christ.

Are you joyful......because if you follow Jesus, it's in our spiritual DNA to be so.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Went to the Bombers game last night. They were in Hamilton playing the Ti-Cats. It was awesome! Took Eternity and Emma and loved being in "enemy territory" as opposing fans! And the icing on the cake of course is that the Bombers beat the Ti-Cats pretty handily. My condolences to all those Hamilton fans out there.......but enough sympathy, the Bombers rock!
My thanks to the person who gave us some pretty good tickets, we were right behind the Bombers bench and got to say hi to one of them. It was a real blessing and was greatly appreciated! It's amazing how we have the power of God in us to bless others. Some people may think that football tickets aren't necessarily a blessing, but to me and the two girls I took last night it was. Thanks again to that anonymous person; the Trek Leader ;)
Next on the list, get the Bombers to win the Grey Cup!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thanks Parents!

Parents night was a great time, especially for the clubbers I think and of course those parents who took part in the games, some pretty seriousoly too:)
I enjoyed sharing about Awana both here in Canada and around the world. I hope everyone got a larger picture of the Awana ministry. It is truly a global ministry and please keep it in your prayers as we continue to grow and reach not only boys and girls but parents and inmates so that they can know the love and saving message of the Gospel and serve the Lord.
 Thanks to eveyone who made Parents night a success and I think we'll have to do it again real soon.
Clubbers, remember to check out the Commander's challenge for this week, I have extended it to give everyone a chance to complete it. Remember it's worth a 1000 points for your team! Have a great next few days and work on those handbooks and don't just memorize those verses, but get to understand them, they are after all the words of God

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Great time at the conference!

We at Awana Ridgeville had an awesome time at the conference. Got to listen to pastor/author Robert J. Morgan and he was great. Though it was a long day for me with presenting 2 workshops, answering questions, and networking, it was more than rewarding. It was a real blessing to have connected with some of you who were in my workshops, even though I didn't talk to each of you who were in my workshops, I want you to know that you all were a real encouragement to me, and I hope I have in some way blessed you.
LORD willing I will get to connect with some of you when I accompany John Froom on our club visits this October to December and we will get to talk some more!
As for you clubbers at Ridgeville, Don't forget that this Tuesday is Parent's bring a parental unit, like mom, dad, grandparents, uncle, aunt, anyone who you feel would like to see what you are doing on Tuesday nights and who likes deserts and coffee!
See you soon, and don't forget the Commander's challenge!!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Awana conference tomorrow!

Tomorrow Laura and I (as well as a few leaders from the club) will be off to Cambridge to attend the annual Awana conference. The key note speaker is pastor, author Robert J. Morgan (who's books I have in my personal library at home). I'm really excited to connect, teach and most of learn. Pray for safe travels for us and a day free from distraction as we focus on the importance of Awana in the grand plans God has for His kingdom. Especially reaching children with the loving and saving message of Jesus Christ.
And to all of you in my workshop for blogging.....HELLO (of course you will not see this until tomorrow, which when you read this will be today....which was today yesterday, but today is today.....uuummmmmm never mind.......

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Awana Tonight!

Hope to see yo all out tonight. It is our second night of Awana at Ridgeville Bible Chapel. If there are any children out there who would like to join, and weren't out last week, no problem, come on out and we'll get you registered and joining in on the fun.
Clubbers, please work on you memory verses for tonight.....I have some treats I would love to give out to those who complete their sections.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Awana begins TONIGHT!!!!

It's a beautiful day outside, a little windy, but a great day. All the preparations, phone calls, emails, and getting organized will now be put into play.
Awana begins TONIGHT at Ridgeville Bible Chapel. I'm pumped and excited to see all the clubbers and their families today. It's going to be an awesome year!!!
My lessons and games are ready, and all the other leaders are ready to get here we go....another year of planting God's Word in the hearts of boys and girls, because "Kids matter to God."
See you tonight ar 6:15 pm for registration. Then we will have a regular club night to follow. Parents, as always, you are more than welcome to stick around and see what's going on. And a little preview, Parents night is scheduled for September 26th, so please plan to be in attendance, I'll be putting my Commanders hat aside and will be wearing my Awana Missionary hat that night and talking about Awana both locally, and globally.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Jesus' brothers

John chapter 7 records an encounter Jesus had with his half brothers, of whom were Jude and James. These two, as far as we know from the Biblical record, came to Jesus after His resurrection in faithful repentance and acceptance of His grace. They would go on to write two books of the New Testament. His resurrection proved to be the "event" that would change their minds and convince them of Jesus' authenticity in His claims of Messiah-ship. They would go on to, according to early church tradition, martyrdom for their faith. Dying for their faith and trust in the LORD Jesus. Such a strong testimony of their belief in Jesus as the Son of God, raised from the dead!
However, in chapter 7 they had yet to believe He was who He said He was. "For even His brothers did not believe in Him." (John 7:5)
They challenged Him to show Himself at the Feast of Tabernacles (One of the three mandatory feasts that able bodied Jewish males were to attend in Jerusalem). Jesus was living in Galilee at the time and a trip to Jerusalem would have put Him in danger of being arrested (because of His "controversial teaching about the Sabbath and His claims of deity). However, Jesus would go, according to HisFather's time line, and challenge the externally religious. 
Jesus would radically teach the realities of who He is ("Before Abraham was I AM" John 8:58), about the Kingdom of God, tear down stereotypes, be rejected by His people, save an adulteress from the slanted and zealousness of Pharisitical judgment and display His divine power by healing a man born blind.
No doubt Jesus' brothers were around Jerusalem during this period of His ministry, but they are still numbered among those who did not believe. But the resurrection of Jesus from the dead would change their inward understanding of the Messiah, and radically alter their outward reality and conform it to the truth, that which is in accord with reality itself defined by the creator of reality.
Imagine these brothers, who grew up with Jesus and played the games boys play. Shopped with Him and their common mother at the market. Trained with Him under the tutelage of their father Joseph (who was of course was not Jesus' biological father, but nonetheless was their common earthly father) in the family carpentry business.
Imagine the weight of the truth, as it came washing over them as a tidal wave, that "our Brother who claimed only to be a half brother, who others accused as being a child of adultery, is in fact the long awaited and long desired Messiah of Israel, God's anointed, who Dad said would 'save His people from their sins!'"
Has this truth crashed across you waiting shores, or have you built a levy, attempting to keep the truth out?

Imagine.......what it must have been like for His brothers
Imagine what it can be like for you......

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I must be getting old. Our 5 year old daughter Emma lost her first baby tooth today. It had been loose for a few weeks and we were waiting for it to fall out. When she told me, I was of course excited and asked where she put it. Her reply, "I threw it in the garbage." I immediately began searching the waste basket full of horrors I would rather forget. It wasn't until Emma found it that I was delivered from the smells that no one should have to endure. Now the tooth proudly sits on our piano, reminding us that time waits for no man and marches on to the return of the LORD.
Of course this incident can be used as an illustration of what mankind does with Jesus and His offer of salvation. To some it is wonderfully valuable, more precious than gold or silver. It means deliverance from evil and death. He grants eternal life, blessing, forgiveness, adoption into His divine family, reconciliation, regeneration and resurrection to name a few. However, there are many who discard Jesus as easily as Emma threw away her tooth. They see Him only as a controversial teacher or a man who may have never existed at all. What are you doing with Jesus? Have you accepted Him as your personal Savior? Do you commune with Him daily as the bread of life, allowing Him to feed you spiritually and sustaining you both here in this life and in the eternal life to come? Do you spend time in His Word, learning from Him and applying His teachings daily by the power of the Holy Spirit? Or have you discarded Him?
Emma's tooth possessed no value to her, but to Laura and I it had tremendous value as being her first baby tooth that fell out. I wonder how valuable it will be to her now, knowing that we'll be giving her a few dollars as a reward for it??????

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hope in Christ

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. It's been a typically busy summer, more so with Awana in our lives full time.  We just got back from our trip to Kirkland Lake yesterday where we served for 9 days, ministering to a town in desperate need for hope, and a brief visit to the Awana scholarship camp. We had a great time, but again were reminded that life without Christ is hopeless and desperate. Kirkland Lake is a mining town which has survived the recession quite well because the value of gold has skyrocketed. But the use and dependence on alcohol and drugs has also skyrocketed. Families are broken to the point that children don't even know who their parents are. Children actually wander into Sunday school from the streets without parents, not knowing what to do. The youth seem aimless and spiritually starved. The spiritual disposition of the area is grim. I don't mean to generalize or sound like a "Debbie downer" because we did see the hand of the LORD moving in a number of lives and churches in the area. But it's a town that desperately needs the revitalizing news of Jesus!
Please pray for this area, it's a mission field in our own country, one we plan (LORD willing) to visit again and again.
On a personal note, I had a great time leading the games time at the VBS we minintered at. I also was invited to preach at two of the churches in the area, though I was only available to speak at one. I shared from John 6:22-35, in which Jesus explains that He is the Bread of life and the importance of nourishing ourselves spiritually on Him. A truth this area needs badly. If it's the LORD's will, we hope to get up there again to minister.
We have dear friends in the town pastoring a church who were willing to give up there house so we could have a place to stay. Thanks Carl and Sherri, you have displayed the sacrificial servant's heart of Christ so beautifully and we will not soon forget it. God's blessings to you as you continue to "harvest the fields".
Thanks to everyone praying for us......and as I said, keep Kirkland Lake in your prayers.
On a lighter side, I did get to see a three legged bear at the local hot spot, the town dump.........yes I said the town dump :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


It has been said by a wiser man than I that "smooth seas do not make a good sailor." It is in this vein that we now embark on the journey of a lifetime, sailing the seas of missions work. As most of you know, Laura and I have been prayerfully considering a position with Awana International Canada. Yesterday, we were offered that missionary position and after a period of prayerfully seeking the LORD's will, we have realized this is the path He has laid out for us. So begins a new chapter in the life and times of Laura and Bobby.
The LORD has always been gracious to us and He who is unchangeable and unfailing will take us to places of faith that we have yet to experience. We look forward to the ROCK steadying us on the seas of life as we begin to prayerfully raise support, both financial and in prayer partners. We "Cast all our cares upon Him who will not allow us to be moved" (Psalm 55:22) and look forward to glorifying God in His work in reaching children and their families in the name of Jesus.
We "are anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and thanksgiving, we are making our requests known to God, and it is He who will give us His peace." (Philippians 4:6-7)
So away we go.....

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Even in the valley, the Light shines bright

It's summer break for the kids....but Satan doesn't take a holiday. A lot of things are happening in the lives of the Halek's, including a great swell of support (both prayerfully and financially) for us as we are almost officially Awana Missionaries for Southwestern Ontario. But like I said, Satan doesn't take a holiday....he's at it again, trying to mess things up for us....But I take great comfort in knowing that "stronger is He that is in me than he who is in the world."1 John 4:4, and "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13).
Now I don't know much, but this much I do...I'm on the winning side, even if it feels like I'm question to you is, are you on the winning side?
So during what has been a dark week for me, I know that the Light of the Lord penetrates and gives me hope.

Friday, June 17, 2011

What's really important?

As some of you already know, I am a huge sports fan, especially all things Canadian. I, like many of others, watched as the Vancouver Canucks fell flat in Canada's hopes of returning the greatest trophy, the Stanley Cup, to it'r rightful home of the True North Strong and Free. I cheered them on since the opening round, as they were one of only two Canadian teams to make the post season (and I do realize that even the American teams skate mostly Canadian boys, but it still would have been nice to see the Cup return to Canadian soil). But it just wasn't meant to be as the Canucks lack luster performance against the eventual Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins led to another year of the Cup living in a city to the south.
However it wasn't long after the game that the baseness of humanity and it's inherent sinfulness that has been passed down from the time of Adam and Eve reared it's ugly head. A minority of disgruntled fans (if they can even call themselves that) began to display the reality of human kind's best. Immediately after the last horn sounded to end the game, these fools began to turn over cars, set them on fire, smash in windows and ransack any store they could get into, not to mention the fighting and rioting. Now I want to give credit where it's due, like those true fans who stood arm in arm to protect as many store fronts as they could and condemned the actions of these tools who think that any reason is a good one to vandalize and destroy private and public property. But as I resolved to remind myself, it's just a game. It's JUST A GAME!!! The fianl outcome didn't effect the economy, homelessness, the rampant and rising abortion rate in Canada and the States, the amoral behavior that is being preached to our young people in public institutions or the real issue of human trafficking. It's just a game people!! Sure I was as heart broken as the next fan, but once we put it in perspective, it's really an insignificant thing. What are our real priorities, especially as followers of Christ. As those who stood arm in arm to protect those things which fade away and are victim to moth and rust (Matthew 6:19-20), so should we. We must stand to protect those things that are precious to Christ, like the family, the unborn child, and the widow and orphan. These are the things that should be important and cause us to rise to our feet and take a stand. Shall we again take up arms and battle the forces of this world, after all people's souls are at stake. And as much as I love the Stanley Cup and would like to see it again in a Canadian city, I am more concerned with seeing a lost soul come to the Savior and see them in glory at the end of all things. That is a true victory that has eternal value.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Off to Toronto we go we go, off to Toronto we go......

As some of you all know, we have been over seeing the club at Ridgeville Bible Chapel for the last six years. It has, we believe, prepared Laura and I to take a big step. We have been prayerfully considering a position within Awana as Missionaries for part of Southwestern Onatrio. This of course is a scary and exciting opportunity to answer a call to ministry that the LORD has called us to almost 3 years ago.
We are heading to Toronto this afternoon to have another meeting with the Executive Director of Awana International Canada. We have begun the preparatory steps in order to move forward in time for the upcoming Awana year. Of course with the position being a faith based ministry, we are praying, knowing that the LORD is faithful to His people, that some of His people will come along side us as we jump out of the boat, always keeping our eyes on Jesus. We are learning from Abraham's example, sometimes the LORD calls us to new places, and as long as we keep our faith strictly on Him and His graceful provision, we will be all right.
As always, whatever we do, all the glory belongs to the LORD.

"Glory to God in the highest...." Luke 2:14a

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Beautiful Day!

As I look out my window, I see the sun finally shining, birds singing, people out and about enjoying the beautiful weather. It really has been a tough, rain soaked spring, but I think it makes us appreciate the nice weather all the more. It is usually that way, we only really seem to develop a sense of appreciation after having enduring the bad like suffering a loss or enduring the betrayal of a friend.
A great example would have been Job. Here was a man blessed by the LORD, only to have it all taken away. The Donald Trump of his ancient day, he lost everything when God allowed Satan to test his faithfulness. But in it all, despite the accusations of his three friends that he must have sinned against God for him to punish Job so severely, by God's grace, Job perserved. Though Job would question God and His decisions to allow what happened to him, he remained faithful to God. And God would reward Job's faithfulness by blessing him with more than he had before.
We in the 21st century are no different in that we also suffer and sometimes according to the will of God, except in that we have lost the ability to cope, persevere and turn to God in times of need. No one in this day and age can truly claim to have "the patience of Job".We attempt to control our circumstances, holding onto a lie that somehow we are in control of our destiny and if we can manipulate things just right, everything will work out to our benefit. But we need to understand the things God puts us through are for our benefit, and I mean the things He tests and proves us with, not the sin and it's consequences that we bring on ourselves (though He can use those too). He loves us, as He did Job, and uses the difficult to develop our patience, endurance and perseverance. After all I speak from experience, since God used the most difficult time of my life to bring me to a saving faith in His Son.
So as I again look out my window, I find myself really appreciating the sun and it's warm embrace. And I might even enjoy the rain that's forecast for tomorrow. I better get outside while the sun is still shining.....have a blessed week.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Where is Spring?

Well, the Awana year is over. The awards and bbq were alot of fun! There were alot of award winners, with a special mention to Rowena Hobbs, who won the Timothy award for finishing four T&T books. Well done Rowena!
Now that I've had some time to catch my breath from the busy year that was, I had a chance to reflect on some great memories. The first was my own children, one finishing Cubbies, one finishing Trek and Lord willing going onto serve at the club or continuing on in some ministry. Another memory is all the T&Ts that are moving up to Trek next year. I remember meeting most of them when they were just starting Sparks. Man oh man time flies! I'm kind of starting to feel old....And who can forget all the fun times we all had at the club. From the scavenger hunt that kicked off the year, to crazy hat nite, the Christmas concert, the Fenwick Christmas Parade, the Grand was a really great and a personally rewarding year.
Don't forget to keep checking my blog, I'll be posting regularly, with updates on what's going on in my life as well as what's coming up for the club. For those of you keeping score at home, I'll be finishing up Biblical Interpretation for Bible college and will be diving into another course. I'll be working on Christian Theology over the summer months as well as some speaking engagements that I have been booked at around the area and beyond. I'm really looking forward to what the Lord has in store for me and my family. As for all of you, feel free to leave comments or give me a call and tell me how the rest of your school year is going. Anyways, keep smiling, because I hear spring will finally be arriving this week. And may the LORD bless you and keep you. May His Face shine upon you. May He give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

Friday, April 15, 2011

Awards and BBQ this Tuesday

This is it! The last club night of the year. We will be having a bbq beginning around 6 pm followed by a short program and awards.
Everyone is invited! There will be lots of food and good times to end the year off with.
So come on out and celebrate the hard work of the clubbers and volunteers who made this my most memoriable year as Commander!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Pizza and movie night is happening this Friday April 8th beginning at 6:15 PM. This is for the winning teams of the final quarter this year, Yellow and Green. Parents are encouraged to come out. I haven't decided what movie we'll be watching yet......
Supper is provided, if you like pizza that is......
See you Friday....and keep an ear out for the year end bowling trip for the whole club.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The Grand Prix was another rousing success! Everyone had a great time watching the races....the cars seem to get better and more complicated every year. Well done everyone. From Sponge Bob Squarepants, to penguins, to Snoopy and the traditional racing car, the cars looked great.
All the glory belongs to God.....thanks for a great time LORD.
Just a reminder, there are only two weeks of Awana left before the year end BBQ and awards nite on April 19th. Please plan to attend and invite your families out as we celebrate the hard work of the clubbers, volunteers and the work of God in our lives. Supper is provided at 6 pm, with a short program to follow.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Let the races begin!

The Grand Prix is set for tomorrow, March 29th. Please arrive at 6:15 PM for registration. Just a reminder, the club will not be weighing cars down, it is your responsibility to ensure your car is heavy enough (with out going over the 150 gram maximum). We will be available to drill out cars that exceed the maximum racing weight.
It's an exciting event, and we want to invite everyone out to it. Hot dogs and drinks will be served immediately upon arrival, so not one will have to go hungry, and there is no cost for the food.
Remember this is a fun event, without the pressures of expectations. It's a great time to work on the cars as a family and enjoy the time together in a busy and fast paced world.
See you all there tomorrow night!

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Home Stretch

Awana returns on March 22nd. We're in the home stretch of the year, with only a few weeks left. Again I can't believe how fast it has gone by......
The Grand Prix is next Tuesday, so please have your cars ready to go......
I hope everyone had a good and relaxing spring I'm ready for the nice weather to arrive. The great news is that some golf courses are already open....YEAH! That means summer is around the corner.
See you all tomorrow nite....and remember that there was a Commander's challenge posted over spring break...big points to the teams that get the answer.


Monday, March 14, 2011


Here we are again enjoying another spring break....just wish the weather would match the I long for the emerald green of the golf course, the smell of freshly cut grass. The sound of my golf club smacking into the backside of a dimpled white ball, watching it scream into the air (and usually into a densley treed area).
Well, that vision will soon come to the meantime I'm going to resolve myself to enjoy studying the Bible more deeply. I want to feel what it was like to "walk in the cool of the day" with the LORD in the garden of Eden. Feel the rain pound down on the earth, safely tucked away in the salvation that the Ark presented. Meet Moses at the burning bush, as the great I AM spoke to him about using him in a mighty way. Walk with Joshua as he leads Isarel into the promised land via those great military campaigns of Biblical history. Learn from the victories and defeats of Israel's kings of the past, both righteous and wicked.
I want to smell the salty air of the Dead Sea, walk with Jesus as He ministers and blows the socks off the religious and social establishment of the day. Watch in wonder as He heals diseases which we, with all of our scientific advances, still cannot cure. Stand in awe as Jesus calls Lazarus from the dead.
Feel what it was like to be a part of a great thing that was happening in the days of the early church as Joel's prophecy comes true, that God's Spirit would be poured out on His people at Pentecost.
There is truly no better way of getting to know God than through the prayerful study of His Word. Often I'm willing to put in an effort in my human relationships, but to my shame, I often neglect the Lord.
This spring break, I'm going to recommit myself to the study of His Word and the LORD of Heaven and Earth. My Creator and Redeemer. He who knows me better that I know myself. The God who knows the number of hairs on my head and the steps of my days.
I want to know Him more, and I pray that you do too.......after all God gave His only Beloved Son in order to have a relationship with us. Studying His Word and prayerfully seeking Him and ministering to those around us is the least we can do.....
Enjoy spring break, I know I will.  I'll be going to the driving range in a futile attempt to straighten out my drive. But don't enjoy this life too much, invest in eternal things. After all our lives are hidden in Christ and the best is yet to come! Read about it in a Bible near you........

Friday, February 25, 2011


I went out for a coffee with a friend and brother in the LORD yesterday morning. (For those of you who know me, I don't drink coffee.....but my tea was great). My friend is an older man who attends another church. He is a wise man, full of knowledge and experience. He loves the Lord greatly and it is evident in his words and deeds. We had a great time talking about the things of the Lord, the "spiritual body" awaiting believers at the resurrection, the incredible miracles of Jesus during His earthly ministry which defied the laws of science and some other things that were happening in our personal lives.
It was a time of real fellowship, as our thoughts and conversation rarely diverted away from Jesus, which is to His glory, not ours.
But what I noticed him doing, without saying it or defining it was discipleship. Here he was, an older, seasoned man, taking on the younger, sharing his struggles, prayers, expectations, and love for the Lord Jesus Christ.He reminded me of our mutual Master, the Lord Jesus.......
As Jesus ministered and preached the kingdom of God, He stressed the vital importance of not only sharing the life giving news of the Gospel, but also the need for discipleship.
Jesus knew the need for young Christians to have older, mature, experienced and knowledgeable Christians to help them along in their walk with the Lord and to survive the temptations of this world. 
No loving parent would leave their young children to learn to walk across the street alone, without first modeling and guiding those first experiences to ensure they would be safe and successful. How much more prevalent is this in regards to the spiritual lives of believers?
There is safety in numbers. There is no such thing as a lone ranger travel this world alone, without the accountability and wisdom of teachers and friends is foolhardy, and may be a sign of sinful pride.
Discipleship was the model Jesus used while on the earth. He gathered 12 men to "mentor" under Him, learning from His example and gaining wisdom through His divine teaching. Meanwhile, He also taught and cared for hundreds of others simultaneously.
After Jesus ascended to heaven, the apostles and those early disciples took on the mantra of teachers and mentors. That model has been handed down through the centuries and shouldn't stop just because the Lord is returning soon. I am thankful for the mentors in my life, as I now realize I'm a mentor to those younger and more inexperienced than I.........what a responsibility and privileged as I echo the words of Paul in Philippians "Therefore, my beloved, whom I long to see, my joy and my crown, stand firm in the Lord, my beloved." Philippians 4:1.

I cherish these moments with my friend. A man who knows we all need discipleship, no matter the age and is a great example to us all. A man who looks more and more like Jesus everyday.........

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Movie nite friday

Congratulations to the winning teams this quarter. I'll see you all this Friday February 18th for pizza and a movie. I can't wait....especially for the pizza....
See you guys at 6:15 pm
"The name of the LORD is a strong tower. The righteous run to it and are safe." Proverbs 18:10

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Winter months

I looked out my frost covered window this morning and noticed the quiet stillness of the night. There wasn't a car on our usually busy road. The snow, crisp, the wind, howling. It reminded me of many cold winters in my hometown. I think about all the snow that has fallen in the course of human history. I wonder at how God created it all, including the reserve of snow still to fall on our small blue planet.
God, who lives outside of time, space and matter, creates just those things so that those of us who dwell with the framework of such an existence could live safely and behold such beauty. Even though the world carries the scars of Adam and Eve's selfish decision those many years ago, it still reflects the creativity of the Great Creator. But He doesn't let our minds slip into an amnesic state without reminding us we are not the sum of this plane of being. We are spiritual beings, created to have a relationship with God who is spirit, with a longing, whether acknowledged or not, of heavenly things. We are not avatars created by our minds eye, dwelling in a dream type state, waiting to wake up in another world where there is no evidence of our shortcomings.
God reminds us that each of us are unique and created "Imageo Dei" (created in His image). We are not animals with naturalistic instincts that developed over millions of years through careful naturalistic selection, but people who reflect the mind and Person of God. Creativity, morality, ethics, emotions, a sense of justice give evidence of God's work in each of us who belong to the human race. We each carry a stamp that communicates our Creator's hand in our life, though there are those who reject such notions.
The truth is this, God created snow that I was staring at through my bedroom window. He uses the physical world that He created, moves the wind and the waves at His command, and injects the clouds with each unique and individual snowflake, of which no two are alike.
With all the snow that's fallen just on my front lawn, which has to be in the billions, in combination with the incalculable amount that has fallen since the beginning of life on this planet, I'm led again to wonder at the magnifigence of my God, my Creator and my Redeemer.
I'll never look at a snow flake the same again.........and if you stare at one closely and you'll see a stamp that says "made by God" ;)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


With all the hype of the impending blizzard event of the last few years, the Awana club at Ridgeville Bible Chapel has decided to continue to have club as usual tonite.
It seems like the snow will not arrive untill later in the evening or into the overnight hours.
Please drive cautiously if the snow does arrive before the end of club or on your drive home.

I'm keeping sane by reminding myself that golf season is only two months away........I hope.....

Monday, January 17, 2011

Can't believe it!!!!!!!

Over the Christmas break and into the new year, I was working on an assignment that was driving me nuts. It was very complicated, challenging and I thought I could never do it. At least with any success. I prayed before working on it every time. Reread my text books and class notes. I tried to understand what it was teaching and applied what I had learned. I even called my professors for help. In the end, I just asked God plainly "Could you help me with this and give me Your widsom to accomplish what I think is impossible. I know nothing with You is impossible...even something small like a Bible college assignement". When I finished, I emailed it off to be marked, expecting nothing much.
Last nite I got the results of the assignments. There were two. The first one was a perfect grade, of which I expected to do well on. It was somewhat simple.
But the second one was the one I was worried about. As I opened the email, I held my breath. I didn't see the mark immediately. I searched frantically acorss the page, finally landing my eyes on the grade. I couldn't believe what I say.....a perfect grade. I actually though for a second it was the first email which graded the other assignment. But this was the grade for the assignment in which I struggled. A smile crept across my face and I said under my breath "Thanks Lord". Then I yelled for Laura (who knew I was languishing under this task and actually said I was alot more grumpier than usual from it) and told her the mark. She said "See, it was always going to be alright". And she was right. It's always going to be alright for those who belong to God. As a matter of fact, it's going to be way more than just alright, it's going to be an incredible life for those who have Jesus, both in this life and the next.
I recalled the verse in which Paul writes God's response to his request to have a problem removed. God told him "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in your weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9.
His grace and strenght was available to His people back then and is even available for a student with a tough assignment today. What is there that you're weak at? Where do you need God's strength to manifest itself today? Because God's grace and strength is sufficient for even that.

Monday, January 3, 2011


A new year has started and with it new hopes and aspirations (and a new calendar). And with it, the dreaded and doomed to fail new year's resolutions. It's usually not long into January that one's well intended resolutions find their way to the pile of attempted resolutions of the past that just didn't work out.
But there is one resolution that can make a world of difference in your life, that is, dedicating one's self more to the Lord Jesus., because when someone puts their faith in Him and believes on Him, the Bible tells us that they become a new creature (1 Corinthians 5:17). You see, the change that one longs for in their life (usually associated with a new years resolution) has happened, all because of Jesus.....
So we can challenge ourselves to draw nearer to the Lord and allow the Spirit of God to transform us into the image of Christ on this side of Heaven.
Now that sounds like a great new years resolution......