
Thursday, August 18, 2011


I must be getting old. Our 5 year old daughter Emma lost her first baby tooth today. It had been loose for a few weeks and we were waiting for it to fall out. When she told me, I was of course excited and asked where she put it. Her reply, "I threw it in the garbage." I immediately began searching the waste basket full of horrors I would rather forget. It wasn't until Emma found it that I was delivered from the smells that no one should have to endure. Now the tooth proudly sits on our piano, reminding us that time waits for no man and marches on to the return of the LORD.
Of course this incident can be used as an illustration of what mankind does with Jesus and His offer of salvation. To some it is wonderfully valuable, more precious than gold or silver. It means deliverance from evil and death. He grants eternal life, blessing, forgiveness, adoption into His divine family, reconciliation, regeneration and resurrection to name a few. However, there are many who discard Jesus as easily as Emma threw away her tooth. They see Him only as a controversial teacher or a man who may have never existed at all. What are you doing with Jesus? Have you accepted Him as your personal Savior? Do you commune with Him daily as the bread of life, allowing Him to feed you spiritually and sustaining you both here in this life and in the eternal life to come? Do you spend time in His Word, learning from Him and applying His teachings daily by the power of the Holy Spirit? Or have you discarded Him?
Emma's tooth possessed no value to her, but to Laura and I it had tremendous value as being her first baby tooth that fell out. I wonder how valuable it will be to her now, knowing that we'll be giving her a few dollars as a reward for it??????

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