
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Recovering nicely

Laura and I have been back from the Awana missions conference for a week now. But for some reason, I'm having a hard time getting caught up on any rest! Since being back, I taught at a mini conference workshop in Oakville at Hopedale Bible Chapel, then went on to a club visit to Meadow Creek Community Church in Hamilton. Then I went golfing on Wednesday for the day with a dear friend which seemingly took a lot out of me. But today is the day....I'm determined to get caught up on some reading and sleep.
The good news is that my Tuesday nights are free again and I will be at our local club until the end of this term! I've really missed the clubbers and leaders, but know that the work I'm doing is for the glory of God. I hope I've been an encouragement to the clubs I've visited (they have been a real encouragement to me) and LORD willing I will return for a second visit in the New Year.
So we begin our Christmas concert rehearsals over the next few weeks. I of course being a Christmas nut, am jazzed and am really excited to see what the Directors and clubbers have in store for the concert!
So I will see you all this Tuesday and don't forget the Commanders challenge......I'm dying to give out those extra points to any clubber who knows the answer.

I think I'll go out and check my outdoor Christmas lights this morning.....all this talk about Christmas has me in the mood for decorating (it isn't too early is it?????)

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