
Monday, March 28, 2011

Let the races begin!

The Grand Prix is set for tomorrow, March 29th. Please arrive at 6:15 PM for registration. Just a reminder, the club will not be weighing cars down, it is your responsibility to ensure your car is heavy enough (with out going over the 150 gram maximum). We will be available to drill out cars that exceed the maximum racing weight.
It's an exciting event, and we want to invite everyone out to it. Hot dogs and drinks will be served immediately upon arrival, so not one will have to go hungry, and there is no cost for the food.
Remember this is a fun event, without the pressures of expectations. It's a great time to work on the cars as a family and enjoy the time together in a busy and fast paced world.
See you all there tomorrow night!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bobby,
    I'm sooooo glad that I didn't make a car this year! Sad to say, but I didn't have that added stress leading up to race day. Besides, it was one less car for you to monitor progress on and possibly do a little work on. So I will happily enjoy my family race their cars. :)
