
Monday, August 1, 2011

Hope in Christ

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. It's been a typically busy summer, more so with Awana in our lives full time.  We just got back from our trip to Kirkland Lake yesterday where we served for 9 days, ministering to a town in desperate need for hope, and a brief visit to the Awana scholarship camp. We had a great time, but again were reminded that life without Christ is hopeless and desperate. Kirkland Lake is a mining town which has survived the recession quite well because the value of gold has skyrocketed. But the use and dependence on alcohol and drugs has also skyrocketed. Families are broken to the point that children don't even know who their parents are. Children actually wander into Sunday school from the streets without parents, not knowing what to do. The youth seem aimless and spiritually starved. The spiritual disposition of the area is grim. I don't mean to generalize or sound like a "Debbie downer" because we did see the hand of the LORD moving in a number of lives and churches in the area. But it's a town that desperately needs the revitalizing news of Jesus!
Please pray for this area, it's a mission field in our own country, one we plan (LORD willing) to visit again and again.
On a personal note, I had a great time leading the games time at the VBS we minintered at. I also was invited to preach at two of the churches in the area, though I was only available to speak at one. I shared from John 6:22-35, in which Jesus explains that He is the Bread of life and the importance of nourishing ourselves spiritually on Him. A truth this area needs badly. If it's the LORD's will, we hope to get up there again to minister.
We have dear friends in the town pastoring a church who were willing to give up there house so we could have a place to stay. Thanks Carl and Sherri, you have displayed the sacrificial servant's heart of Christ so beautifully and we will not soon forget it. God's blessings to you as you continue to "harvest the fields".
Thanks to everyone praying for us......and as I said, keep Kirkland Lake in your prayers.
On a lighter side, I did get to see a three legged bear at the local hot spot, the town dump.........yes I said the town dump :)

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