
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Where is Spring?

Well, the Awana year is over. The awards and bbq were alot of fun! There were alot of award winners, with a special mention to Rowena Hobbs, who won the Timothy award for finishing four T&T books. Well done Rowena!
Now that I've had some time to catch my breath from the busy year that was, I had a chance to reflect on some great memories. The first was my own children, one finishing Cubbies, one finishing Trek and Lord willing going onto serve at the club or continuing on in some ministry. Another memory is all the T&Ts that are moving up to Trek next year. I remember meeting most of them when they were just starting Sparks. Man oh man time flies! I'm kind of starting to feel old....And who can forget all the fun times we all had at the club. From the scavenger hunt that kicked off the year, to crazy hat nite, the Christmas concert, the Fenwick Christmas Parade, the Grand was a really great and a personally rewarding year.
Don't forget to keep checking my blog, I'll be posting regularly, with updates on what's going on in my life as well as what's coming up for the club. For those of you keeping score at home, I'll be finishing up Biblical Interpretation for Bible college and will be diving into another course. I'll be working on Christian Theology over the summer months as well as some speaking engagements that I have been booked at around the area and beyond. I'm really looking forward to what the Lord has in store for me and my family. As for all of you, feel free to leave comments or give me a call and tell me how the rest of your school year is going. Anyways, keep smiling, because I hear spring will finally be arriving this week. And may the LORD bless you and keep you. May His Face shine upon you. May He give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

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