
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The Grand Prix was another rousing success! Everyone had a great time watching the races....the cars seem to get better and more complicated every year. Well done everyone. From Sponge Bob Squarepants, to penguins, to Snoopy and the traditional racing car, the cars looked great.
All the glory belongs to God.....thanks for a great time LORD.
Just a reminder, there are only two weeks of Awana left before the year end BBQ and awards nite on April 19th. Please plan to attend and invite your families out as we celebrate the hard work of the clubbers, volunteers and the work of God in our lives. Supper is provided at 6 pm, with a short program to follow.

1 comment:

  1. It was a great time eh? I'm still glad that I didn't make a car. It's a new era for me, the 'not-make-a-car' era. It's liberating. I have fun talking to people, that's my thing. :) Great job volunteers, parents and kids!! Great success!
