
Monday, March 14, 2011


Here we are again enjoying another spring break....just wish the weather would match the I long for the emerald green of the golf course, the smell of freshly cut grass. The sound of my golf club smacking into the backside of a dimpled white ball, watching it scream into the air (and usually into a densley treed area).
Well, that vision will soon come to the meantime I'm going to resolve myself to enjoy studying the Bible more deeply. I want to feel what it was like to "walk in the cool of the day" with the LORD in the garden of Eden. Feel the rain pound down on the earth, safely tucked away in the salvation that the Ark presented. Meet Moses at the burning bush, as the great I AM spoke to him about using him in a mighty way. Walk with Joshua as he leads Isarel into the promised land via those great military campaigns of Biblical history. Learn from the victories and defeats of Israel's kings of the past, both righteous and wicked.
I want to smell the salty air of the Dead Sea, walk with Jesus as He ministers and blows the socks off the religious and social establishment of the day. Watch in wonder as He heals diseases which we, with all of our scientific advances, still cannot cure. Stand in awe as Jesus calls Lazarus from the dead.
Feel what it was like to be a part of a great thing that was happening in the days of the early church as Joel's prophecy comes true, that God's Spirit would be poured out on His people at Pentecost.
There is truly no better way of getting to know God than through the prayerful study of His Word. Often I'm willing to put in an effort in my human relationships, but to my shame, I often neglect the Lord.
This spring break, I'm going to recommit myself to the study of His Word and the LORD of Heaven and Earth. My Creator and Redeemer. He who knows me better that I know myself. The God who knows the number of hairs on my head and the steps of my days.
I want to know Him more, and I pray that you do too.......after all God gave His only Beloved Son in order to have a relationship with us. Studying His Word and prayerfully seeking Him and ministering to those around us is the least we can do.....
Enjoy spring break, I know I will.  I'll be going to the driving range in a futile attempt to straighten out my drive. But don't enjoy this life too much, invest in eternal things. After all our lives are hidden in Christ and the best is yet to come! Read about it in a Bible near you........

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