We have been having a great time at the club over the last few weeks. Despite being shorthanded at times, the clubbers have really excelled at their handbooks, passing sections like wildfire. We have a number of new clubbers including "Charlie", Sydney, and Eric. Welcome to the club guys! It has been great getting to know you guys over the last few club nights.
As for the next few weeks, here's what we have in store; October 18th is Crazy Hat night, October 25th is our trip to Bri-Anne Farms for our Harvest night, and on October 28th is our winning quarter movie and pizza night at the chapel.
Please continue to keep the club, the clubbers and it's leaders in your prayers as we continue to fulfill the mandate of reaching kids in the name of Christ and "train them to serve Him".
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Are you joyful......because if you follow Jesus, it's in our spiritual DNA to be so.
Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice!