The newsletter of your Awana missionaries
For some of you who have seen me lately, you noticed some major changes in my appearance. For those of you yet to see me, you will know what I'm speaking about very soon. I have, through the conviction of the Holy Spirit and by the sustaining power of Christ, managed to lose 180 pounds. When I began this journey to a healthier lifestyle, I was overwhelmed with the magnitude of the challenge. How many people make the promise of losing weight to better their lives? It is the most promised New Years resolution each year. There are those who have every good intention of doing so, but simply fall away and slip back into old habits. The verse that moved me is found in Hebrews 12:1 “.....and let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us...” The Spirit of God impressed upon me the need to remove those barriers and things in my life which hinder me from being used to my capacity by the King. For me specifically it was the extra weight I had put on over the last 10 years. The amazing thing was how I had put the weight on with out really realizing it. It just snuck up on me.
Now I know you may be thinking that the writer of Hebrews was speaking of sin specifically, which he mentions in the verse, but I have always thought of it as anything which hinders us from being used by God for His glory as well. Many times in my work, the extra bulk I carried really slowed me down, distracted me and even stopped me dead in my tracks because I just couldn't keep going. I was too winded or tired.
But God's grace is incredible! He moved me to make changes. After all, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit of God. We are only given one body to do the work He requires of us with the time we are given. Shouldn't we take care of the body the LORD has prepared for us? Shouldn't we honour the LORD with how we use this body He has made for us? Shouldn't we glorify the LORD with this body of ours? Of course we should. We will still struggle with sin in these fleshly bodies of ours, but the time will come when we shed these mortal coils and see the truth of the Gospel manifested fully outwardly. But in the mean time, I have been moved to care for this body, until He comes!
Will I struggle with my weight? Probably. After all, I love to eat pizza and burgers like any one else. But in Christ I have victory even over this, which some would think is superficial. But anything that comes between us and Jesus is something that needs to be purged.
We are challenged to “present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service.” (Rom. 12:1). I believe this includes not allowing the sin of slothfulness and overeating to dominate my life.
It has been a great challenge for me over the last 10 months, but I know that “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13), and continue to live a healthy lifestyle.
For you it may be something else in your life that needs to be set aside. Lean on Him and He will move you to victory!
As the new Awana year kicks off, we have been reminiscing on the year that was. We began this journey with Awana International Canada last August 2011. It has had it's shares of challenges. But amidst those challenges we have seen and experienced the great grace and sustaining power of the LORD!
It began with the change from a bi-weekly income which we had, in retrospect, placed our trust in more than the LORD God. When Bobby's “dependable” paychecks disappeared, we found ourselves returning to depending on the LORD more fully. Who would have thought that the dependability of Bobby's paycheck could interfere in our trusting in the LORD in providing all our needs? Now we rely on His sustaining power and promises to care for His children.
Bobby then had to go through the challenge of travelling what he calls “the harrowing 400 series highways.” Having grown up in the prairies, Bobby has never had to cross over three or four lanes of high speed highways. He recalls his first experiences on the QEW as the beginning of the end of his life. Yet with all of the stress of commuting the QEW, 403, and the 407, God has instilled a silent confidence in him to face the traffic of the most congested portion of our great country.
Last but not least, Bobby has been enjoying his club visits, but misses our home club at Ridgeville quite often where he serves as commander. He has developed a great relationship with the clubbers and their parents over the last 10 years as the leader of our club, but desperately misses it when he is away. It has been an adjustment for him. He is the kind of guy who would use vacation time and leave work early, so he could be at club to provide the consistency it needed. In the years before being called to the missions work portion of Awana International Canada, Bobby had, in 8 and a half years, only missed one night of club when he had a serious infection. Even then, I had to force him to stay home! The biggest lesson he says he has learned is that the club at Ridgeville Bible Chapel isn't his club, it isn't even the chapel's club, but is the LORD's Awana club and to entrust the club to His capable and loving hands.
It really has been quite the year, and we are looking forward to the upcoming year with great anticipation.
So far the year has seen us gearing up for what promises to be a fun filled year of Awana!
We began by planning out the lessons we would be sharing with the clubs. Last year's “Prayer shawl and the woman with the blood flow” seemed to be a hit with the clubbers as I shared the incredible work of Jesus in healing this woman and her great example of faith. This year I'll be sharing a few of my “Favourite things.” Included are of course my Winnipeg Blue Bombers jersey, my vintage Winnipeg Jets hockey cards, some golf balls and a vintage comic book that's worth quite a bit. So far the clubbers have enjoyed getting to know me and some of the things I like, but I always stress that while it's okay to enjoy the things God has blessed us with, we have to be aware of these things becoming idols in our lives.
I was able to connect with some of my clubs on Sundays as I was invited to speak at their morning meetings. I spoke on the ”Fields to be worked” in John chapter 4. The great responsibility and duty we have to tend to all the parts of God's vineyard and no matter the age, there is work we can do for the kingdom.
My first missionary visit was to my home club at Ridgeville Bible chapel. Being commander at the club, there didn't seem anything too out of the ordinary, since I'm there every week anyways. And to the clubbers, I'll always be “Commander Bobby”.
I visited Golden Harvest Baptist Chapel in Stevensville, where Commander Ken was so welcoming and encouraging. It was great to see the club and visit with the Sparkies, T&T, Treks and Journey clubbers. Wonderful club, lead by a wonderful team of leaders!
Next was Flamborough Baptist, led by Commander Joanne. This is another great club with a great group of leaders. Thanks for the warm welcome and the great work you are doing in the lives of these young clubbers.
Next on the list is Winona Gospel Church, Hopedale Bible chapel and Scottlea Gospel Chapel to round off the week of October 15th.
The rest of October and November sees me travelling throughout the Golden Horseshoe. I'm looking forward to connecting with all of the leaders and clubbers!
Please pray for us, both financially as we continue to look for financial partners in the ministry, and for prayer partners. We are currently setting a goal, LORD willing, of achieving 50% of our support by Christmas. We are calling it the “50 by 25 campaign” Please pray for us as we trust in the LORD to provide.
Finally, I am excited to report of a young boy who gave his life to Christ recently. This youngster sat under the teaching of the truth of who Jesus is and what He had done for him. The Holy Spirit gripped this clubber and led him to saving grace in the LORD Jesus! It is moments like this, when I get to witness the new birth of another into God's Kingdom that makes the sacrifices so worth it. I have other stories of clubbers coming to Christ and it is amazing to see how the LORD is working in the clubs in Awana, not only here locally, but all over the world.
I also wanted to thank all of our current supporters. Without you we couldn't do what we are doing.
“Our God is an awesome God!”
Until the trump sounds!
The newsletter of your Awana missionaries

Now I know you may be thinking that the writer of Hebrews was speaking of sin specifically, which he mentions in the verse, but I have always thought of it as anything which hinders us from being used by God for His glory as well. Many times in my work, the extra bulk I carried really slowed me down, distracted me and even stopped me dead in my tracks because I just couldn't keep going. I was too winded or tired.
But God's grace is incredible! He moved me to make changes. After all, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit of God. We are only given one body to do the work He requires of us with the time we are given. Shouldn't we take care of the body the LORD has prepared for us? Shouldn't we honour the LORD with how we use this body He has made for us? Shouldn't we glorify the LORD with this body of ours? Of course we should. We will still struggle with sin in these fleshly bodies of ours, but the time will come when we shed these mortal coils and see the truth of the Gospel manifested fully outwardly. But in the mean time, I have been moved to care for this body, until He comes!
Will I struggle with my weight? Probably. After all, I love to eat pizza and burgers like any one else. But in Christ I have victory even over this, which some would think is superficial. But anything that comes between us and Jesus is something that needs to be purged.
We are challenged to “present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service.” (Rom. 12:1). I believe this includes not allowing the sin of slothfulness and overeating to dominate my life.
It has been a great challenge for me over the last 10 months, but I know that “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13), and continue to live a healthy lifestyle.
For you it may be something else in your life that needs to be set aside. Lean on Him and He will move you to victory!
As the new Awana year kicks off, we have been reminiscing on the year that was. We began this journey with Awana International Canada last August 2011. It has had it's shares of challenges. But amidst those challenges we have seen and experienced the great grace and sustaining power of the LORD!
It began with the change from a bi-weekly income which we had, in retrospect, placed our trust in more than the LORD God. When Bobby's “dependable” paychecks disappeared, we found ourselves returning to depending on the LORD more fully. Who would have thought that the dependability of Bobby's paycheck could interfere in our trusting in the LORD in providing all our needs? Now we rely on His sustaining power and promises to care for His children.
Bobby then had to go through the challenge of travelling what he calls “the harrowing 400 series highways.” Having grown up in the prairies, Bobby has never had to cross over three or four lanes of high speed highways. He recalls his first experiences on the QEW as the beginning of the end of his life. Yet with all of the stress of commuting the QEW, 403, and the 407, God has instilled a silent confidence in him to face the traffic of the most congested portion of our great country.
Last but not least, Bobby has been enjoying his club visits, but misses our home club at Ridgeville quite often where he serves as commander. He has developed a great relationship with the clubbers and their parents over the last 10 years as the leader of our club, but desperately misses it when he is away. It has been an adjustment for him. He is the kind of guy who would use vacation time and leave work early, so he could be at club to provide the consistency it needed. In the years before being called to the missions work portion of Awana International Canada, Bobby had, in 8 and a half years, only missed one night of club when he had a serious infection. Even then, I had to force him to stay home! The biggest lesson he says he has learned is that the club at Ridgeville Bible Chapel isn't his club, it isn't even the chapel's club, but is the LORD's Awana club and to entrust the club to His capable and loving hands.
It really has been quite the year, and we are looking forward to the upcoming year with great anticipation.
So far the year has seen us gearing up for what promises to be a fun filled year of Awana!
We began by planning out the lessons we would be sharing with the clubs. Last year's “Prayer shawl and the woman with the blood flow” seemed to be a hit with the clubbers as I shared the incredible work of Jesus in healing this woman and her great example of faith. This year I'll be sharing a few of my “Favourite things.” Included are of course my Winnipeg Blue Bombers jersey, my vintage Winnipeg Jets hockey cards, some golf balls and a vintage comic book that's worth quite a bit. So far the clubbers have enjoyed getting to know me and some of the things I like, but I always stress that while it's okay to enjoy the things God has blessed us with, we have to be aware of these things becoming idols in our lives.
I was able to connect with some of my clubs on Sundays as I was invited to speak at their morning meetings. I spoke on the ”Fields to be worked” in John chapter 4. The great responsibility and duty we have to tend to all the parts of God's vineyard and no matter the age, there is work we can do for the kingdom.
My first missionary visit was to my home club at Ridgeville Bible chapel. Being commander at the club, there didn't seem anything too out of the ordinary, since I'm there every week anyways. And to the clubbers, I'll always be “Commander Bobby”.
I visited Golden Harvest Baptist Chapel in Stevensville, where Commander Ken was so welcoming and encouraging. It was great to see the club and visit with the Sparkies, T&T, Treks and Journey clubbers. Wonderful club, lead by a wonderful team of leaders!
Next was Flamborough Baptist, led by Commander Joanne. This is another great club with a great group of leaders. Thanks for the warm welcome and the great work you are doing in the lives of these young clubbers.
Next on the list is Winona Gospel Church, Hopedale Bible chapel and Scottlea Gospel Chapel to round off the week of October 15th.
The rest of October and November sees me travelling throughout the Golden Horseshoe. I'm looking forward to connecting with all of the leaders and clubbers!
Please pray for us, both financially as we continue to look for financial partners in the ministry, and for prayer partners. We are currently setting a goal, LORD willing, of achieving 50% of our support by Christmas. We are calling it the “50 by 25 campaign” Please pray for us as we trust in the LORD to provide.
Finally, I am excited to report of a young boy who gave his life to Christ recently. This youngster sat under the teaching of the truth of who Jesus is and what He had done for him. The Holy Spirit gripped this clubber and led him to saving grace in the LORD Jesus! It is moments like this, when I get to witness the new birth of another into God's Kingdom that makes the sacrifices so worth it. I have other stories of clubbers coming to Christ and it is amazing to see how the LORD is working in the clubs in Awana, not only here locally, but all over the world.
I also wanted to thank all of our current supporters. Without you we couldn't do what we are doing.
“Our God is an awesome God!”
Until the trump sounds!