Saturday, October 8, 2011


Went to the Bombers game last night. They were in Hamilton playing the Ti-Cats. It was awesome! Took Eternity and Emma and loved being in "enemy territory" as opposing fans! And the icing on the cake of course is that the Bombers beat the Ti-Cats pretty handily. My condolences to all those Hamilton fans out there.......but enough sympathy, the Bombers rock!
My thanks to the person who gave us some pretty good tickets, we were right behind the Bombers bench and got to say hi to one of them. It was a real blessing and was greatly appreciated! It's amazing how we have the power of God in us to bless others. Some people may think that football tickets aren't necessarily a blessing, but to me and the two girls I took last night it was. Thanks again to that anonymous person; the Trek Leader ;)
Next on the list, get the Bombers to win the Grey Cup!!!

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