Sunday, September 23, 2012

Team color night!

This week sees the club donning it's favorite colors for Team Color Night.
Red, blue, green and yellow will again be on full display at Ridgeville Bible Chapel. These four famous Awana colors found their origin in a unique way.
Art Roreheim, one of the co-founders of Awana, needed to seperate his club's teams into an organized way. He journeyed to the basement of his home church to find anything that could differentiate the teams he had formed for game time. He found an old chest and decided to take a look inside, hoping there would be something he could use. He found four sets of "pinnies", in the colors of red, blue, green and yellow. And the colors have stuck since.
This week, dress up in as many pieces of clothing that match your team color line and the team with the most will recieve an extra Awana coupon toward the store in 4 weeks.

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