Friday, September 14, 2012


Awana at Ridgeville Bible chapel began with a bang! The line up for registration was out the door! Praise God!
What a great night! We of course ran behind, a regular occurance on the first night of the year, but next week we should be running on our regular schedule.
The leaders and directors were impressed with the clubbers and we had a great time in lesson and game time. With the new renovated gym, we were actually able to hear people talking....what a difference some new sound pannels can make.
As for next week clubbers, there's always room for more. Bring a friend or two to Awana. And don't forget your handbooks and uniforms. If you don't have a uniform, you're probably still working through your "Start Zone" or "Flight 3:16". But once you finish those intro manuals, you'll recieve your uniform and handbook.
See you all next week. And I hope we'll have those new basketball hoops up and ready to go.
Make sure you check out the Commander's challenge for a chance to win some extra Awana coupons. The store will be opening in a few weeks.
See you next Tuesday!!!

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