Thursday, June 2, 2011

Off to Toronto we go we go, off to Toronto we go......

As some of you all know, we have been over seeing the club at Ridgeville Bible Chapel for the last six years. It has, we believe, prepared Laura and I to take a big step. We have been prayerfully considering a position within Awana as Missionaries for part of Southwestern Onatrio. This of course is a scary and exciting opportunity to answer a call to ministry that the LORD has called us to almost 3 years ago.
We are heading to Toronto this afternoon to have another meeting with the Executive Director of Awana International Canada. We have begun the preparatory steps in order to move forward in time for the upcoming Awana year. Of course with the position being a faith based ministry, we are praying, knowing that the LORD is faithful to His people, that some of His people will come along side us as we jump out of the boat, always keeping our eyes on Jesus. We are learning from Abraham's example, sometimes the LORD calls us to new places, and as long as we keep our faith strictly on Him and His graceful provision, we will be all right.
As always, whatever we do, all the glory belongs to the LORD.

"Glory to God in the highest...." Luke 2:14a

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