Monday, January 21, 2013


Summer fun night is postponed to next Tuesday night. There are too many leaders and directors away this week to run this event properly. I hope you all understand and we'll make sure we have a great time enjoying all things summer during this cold snap next week.
In the mean time, alot of clubbers have been flying through their handbooks. I am really impressed and proud of you all. If you are struggling with your handbooks, remember there is an audio cd with the Sparks handbooks that are a great aid in memorizing the verses. As for the older clubbers, ask your parents to help you out, it makes a great time hanging out together!
Also, just a reminder, with alot of clubbers wearing their winter boots, please remember to bring a pair of running shoes for game time.
See you all tomorrow night and bundle up, I hear it's going to be cold this week!

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