Friday, December 7, 2012


The gang from Ridgeville Bible chapel and it's Awana club is marching tomorrow in the Pelham Christmas parade. If you have sent in your permission slips, thank you. If you haven't yet, no worries, I will have a number on hand at the parade for you to sign. We are really excited and if you haven't participated in the past, it is a wonderful experience. For those of you who have been involved in the past, you know the great fun we have!
Please be at Christian Reform Church on Balfor St. no later than 12:15pm. The street will be blocked off, so a leader will be waiting for clubbers to lead them to our group. Cubbies are expected to be accompanied by their parents. And we will have a van pulling a trailer for anyone who gets tired.
Pick up for all clubbers will be at Centennial park, where there are a number of activites for families to participate in afterwards, as well as refreshments.
So see you all tomorrow, rain or shine (or snow, but I highly doubt that!)

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