Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Christmas time again

The club is a buzz with our Christmas concert preperations. There are alot of dedicated leaders and clubbers working hard at pulling off a great concert that is both entertaining, fun and honoring to the LORD.
Remember as we appraoch the date (Dec 14), it is really important for your clubbers to be at club, as we only have a few nites and a limited amount of time to prepare. Clubbers are asked to be at the chapel on concert nite at 6 pm.
The chapel also had a chance to put together twenty Christmas boxes for Operation Christmas Child. I took them over to Wellspring Church last Saturday. It was an incredible sight to see the thousands of boxes there, knowing they are headed to children in some of the poorest countries in the world. Pray for the boxes and the families recieving them, that they would feel the love of Christ and recieve Him as their Savior.
Finally, the chapel and the club is preparing for the Fenwick Christmas parade, which is being held on Dec 11th. We are putting together a float, and are really excited to spread the news of CHRISTmas!!!
See you guys around the club....

"But as many as recieved Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.." John 1:12

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