Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jesus was a Jew!

It has come to my attention that Jesus wasn't Canadian....nor was He American....or Cuban, Mexican or British! Jesus was a Jew. Not only that but a Jew living in the first century (that would be 2000 years ago for anyone keeping track:) keeping the law.
Wouldn't it make sense to study Him in that light??
We in the west are not only removed culturally, but in time as well.
A great book I'm reading is by Joe Aramal.  He wrote the book "Understanding Jesus". It's incredible!
If you get the chance to read it, do it! He does a great job of reminding us Christians of our Hebraic roots.
After all Christanity sprung from Judasium. It makes sense to study the life of the Master when He walked on the earth...that way we can be like Him as we walk on the earth. 

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