Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Tonight is the night we all have been waiting for. The annual Awana Grand Prix is happening and everyone is excited to show off thier cars.
The doors will open at 6:10pm for those who have not yet registered their cars. Races will begin at about 6:55pm.
Start your engines!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Glad you asked.....tonight is a double feature night. First off it's crazy hat night. And you know what that means....wear your favorite hat! And if you can, make a crazy hat and stand out to the crowd.
Secondly, it's wear red night in light of Valentine's Day. Wear as much red as you can for your team to win bonus Awana coupons. The total of clothing items that are red count toward your team total.
So we'll see you all tonight!