However, what I do know is lost in all the confetti, midnight parties, and "Dick Clarks Rocking New Years Eve" is genuine reflection. Taking a look back on the year that was, seeing the great blessings God has provided. Reflecting on the challenges the LORD has brought across our bows in order to purify His people and conform us more and more into the image of His beloved Son. Basking in His great and perfect love......and of looking forward to what is coming down the pipe.
Some of the simple things I have seen in our lives is health....eyes that see...ears that hear...legs that walk.....and children who know the LORD. A relationship with God......the fact He hears our prayers.....a roof to keep the rain off our heads.....songs of praise......Christmas lights and friends. All these simple blessings help to outweigh the challenges that have to be faced in a world that reflects the character of it's master, he who appears as an angel of light......but comes to destroy and kill.
The anticipation of a new year brings to most a sense hope, anticipation, and expected prosperity. Who could argue that this past year seemed to be more difficult than the others we have seen in the 21st century.......massive earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, death, corruption, economic meltdowns........I am afraid that those who are hoping, expecting (in some cases demanding) a better year characterized with prosperity and well being will find themselves on the eve of next New Years expecting the same things, realizing that the past year didn't live up to their expectations either.
Prosperity and fulfillment may happen......but for most it will not......therefore it may be necessary to reevaluate where our hope is laid.......or should I say WHO is our hope laid in?
With the passing of another year, I know, according to God's Word, we are closer to the end.......the second coming of Jesus the Christ......not in humble estates as His first advent, which we just celebrated at Christmas, but victoriously, as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. A New Year that could see the vindication of the LORD and His people....a year that God's people can enter into their rest and have faith give way to sight. A New Year where events are put in motion that will see the New Jerusalem and God's kingdom come fully unto the earth. A year where pain, suffering, evil, wickedness, destitution, sin and death will be ultimately dealt with.
I guess this isn't the same old new year.....I guess it does hold hope, excitement and anticipation.......but the BIG difference is the source of that emotion.......namely Christ Jesus.
So hang up that new calendar.......it may just be the last one you do........
"Surely I am coming quickly." Amen. Even so, come so Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20)