
Saturday, September 11, 2010


Have you ever eaten something so can't help eating more, even when you're full! Last night we celebrated by brother in law's brithday. He made these incredible meatballs...I couldn't stop eating them. Man was I stuffed!!
But I've had some meatballs in my life that could pass as hockey pucks..they were not so good. Even though meatballs are esentially the same no matter who makes them or how they're made, some are just better than others.
It's the same with "religion"...some seem really good, some not so good.....
But the best religion isn't a religion at's a relationship....a relationship with Jesus Christ.
He's different....walked to His own tune...lived a life like no other....and most of all, was God in the flesh.
He was full of grace and truth.
Everything about Jesus was antiestablishment. He stressed love, relationships, community, reconcilliation, regeneration, faith and forgiveness.
His life was given as a payment for our sins...but it only qualifies to those who believe and trust in Him...
Have you trusted Him yet?
After all, He gave His life for a bad meatball like me......and once you get a taste of Jesus, you'll be full and yet always want more!!!
"I am the living bread which came down from Heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is of Myself, which I shall give for the life of the world."
John 6:51

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