
Grand Prix Info Page

The Awana Grand Prix is scheduled for February 26th. Registration begins at 6:00 pm. Hotdogs and refreshements will be available through the night.
Please ensure that your cars are not ones that have raced in years past. New kits can be purchased from Mrs. Wiley at Awana shortly. All cars must meet racing standards to be eligible to race. However if your car is only entered in the design catagory, it is exempt from weight and size restrictions.
Cars racing will be assigned a number on racing day.

Please follow these instructions when building your car. Failing to do so may result in your car not being eligible to race. Please keep in mind this is a ministry event and is to be treated as a fun event for everyone.

-Use only the woodblocks, wheels and axels included with your kit
-Parents can assist the clubber in building the car, but the majority of the work must be done byu the clubber. Cubbies and Sparks will need assistance in cutting and sanding. Use your discretion.
-Overall length shall not exceed 7"
-Overall width shall not exceed 2 3/4"
-Overall height shall not exceed 3" in order to not interfear with the Finish line sensor
-Car weight shall not exceed 5 oz. Weights that can be included are washers or other metal objects that are securly fashioned to the car.
-Wheel bearings, brushings, and springs are prohibited
-Cars must be freewheeling
-Cars must be inspected by leaders at the registration table prior to being eligible to race. All cars must meet all expectations or will not be eligible to race. Note exceptions for cars only entered into the design catagory.
-Cars must be entirely behind the starting pin on the race track. No part of the car may extend over the top of the starting pin.
-Any and all concerns or questions will be decided by Commander Bobby.