
Gospel Wheel

Awana has designed the Gospel Wheel as a tool you can use to lead a child to trust Christ as Savior.
Around the wheel are various starting points for a conversation about the gospel. At the top is God and His character. John 3:16 speaks of God’s love for a lost world that culminated in the gift of Jesus.
At the opposite side of the wheel is the character of mankind. Romans 3:23 and 6:23 speak of the sinfulness of all human beings and the “wages” of eternal separation from God as a result.
On the left is God’s response to this issue – Romans 5:8 – that even when we were helpless in our sinfulness and facing the penalty of it, God paid the price through the death of His son.
On the right is our response – to personally trust in Christ’s payment to be sufficient for the
forgiveness of our sin.
At the center of the wheel is 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, the essence of the gospel – that Jesus
Christ died for the sin of the world and that he was buried, then rose again. Placing one’s trust in this truth brings salvation.