
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thanks Parents!

Parents night was a great time, especially for the clubbers I think and of course those parents who took part in the games, some pretty seriousoly too:)
I enjoyed sharing about Awana both here in Canada and around the world. I hope everyone got a larger picture of the Awana ministry. It is truly a global ministry and please keep it in your prayers as we continue to grow and reach not only boys and girls but parents and inmates so that they can know the love and saving message of the Gospel and serve the Lord.
 Thanks to eveyone who made Parents night a success and I think we'll have to do it again real soon.
Clubbers, remember to check out the Commander's challenge for this week, I have extended it to give everyone a chance to complete it. Remember it's worth a 1000 points for your team! Have a great next few days and work on those handbooks and don't just memorize those verses, but get to understand them, they are after all the words of God

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Great time at the conference!

We at Awana Ridgeville had an awesome time at the conference. Got to listen to pastor/author Robert J. Morgan and he was great. Though it was a long day for me with presenting 2 workshops, answering questions, and networking, it was more than rewarding. It was a real blessing to have connected with some of you who were in my workshops, even though I didn't talk to each of you who were in my workshops, I want you to know that you all were a real encouragement to me, and I hope I have in some way blessed you.
LORD willing I will get to connect with some of you when I accompany John Froom on our club visits this October to December and we will get to talk some more!
As for you clubbers at Ridgeville, Don't forget that this Tuesday is Parent's bring a parental unit, like mom, dad, grandparents, uncle, aunt, anyone who you feel would like to see what you are doing on Tuesday nights and who likes deserts and coffee!
See you soon, and don't forget the Commander's challenge!!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Awana conference tomorrow!

Tomorrow Laura and I (as well as a few leaders from the club) will be off to Cambridge to attend the annual Awana conference. The key note speaker is pastor, author Robert J. Morgan (who's books I have in my personal library at home). I'm really excited to connect, teach and most of learn. Pray for safe travels for us and a day free from distraction as we focus on the importance of Awana in the grand plans God has for His kingdom. Especially reaching children with the loving and saving message of Jesus Christ.
And to all of you in my workshop for blogging.....HELLO (of course you will not see this until tomorrow, which when you read this will be today....which was today yesterday, but today is today.....uuummmmmm never mind.......

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Awana Tonight!

Hope to see yo all out tonight. It is our second night of Awana at Ridgeville Bible Chapel. If there are any children out there who would like to join, and weren't out last week, no problem, come on out and we'll get you registered and joining in on the fun.
Clubbers, please work on you memory verses for tonight.....I have some treats I would love to give out to those who complete their sections.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Awana begins TONIGHT!!!!

It's a beautiful day outside, a little windy, but a great day. All the preparations, phone calls, emails, and getting organized will now be put into play.
Awana begins TONIGHT at Ridgeville Bible Chapel. I'm pumped and excited to see all the clubbers and their families today. It's going to be an awesome year!!!
My lessons and games are ready, and all the other leaders are ready to get here we go....another year of planting God's Word in the hearts of boys and girls, because "Kids matter to God."
See you tonight ar 6:15 pm for registration. Then we will have a regular club night to follow. Parents, as always, you are more than welcome to stick around and see what's going on. And a little preview, Parents night is scheduled for September 26th, so please plan to be in attendance, I'll be putting my Commanders hat aside and will be wearing my Awana Missionary hat that night and talking about Awana both locally, and globally.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Jesus' brothers

John chapter 7 records an encounter Jesus had with his half brothers, of whom were Jude and James. These two, as far as we know from the Biblical record, came to Jesus after His resurrection in faithful repentance and acceptance of His grace. They would go on to write two books of the New Testament. His resurrection proved to be the "event" that would change their minds and convince them of Jesus' authenticity in His claims of Messiah-ship. They would go on to, according to early church tradition, martyrdom for their faith. Dying for their faith and trust in the LORD Jesus. Such a strong testimony of their belief in Jesus as the Son of God, raised from the dead!
However, in chapter 7 they had yet to believe He was who He said He was. "For even His brothers did not believe in Him." (John 7:5)
They challenged Him to show Himself at the Feast of Tabernacles (One of the three mandatory feasts that able bodied Jewish males were to attend in Jerusalem). Jesus was living in Galilee at the time and a trip to Jerusalem would have put Him in danger of being arrested (because of His "controversial teaching about the Sabbath and His claims of deity). However, Jesus would go, according to HisFather's time line, and challenge the externally religious. 
Jesus would radically teach the realities of who He is ("Before Abraham was I AM" John 8:58), about the Kingdom of God, tear down stereotypes, be rejected by His people, save an adulteress from the slanted and zealousness of Pharisitical judgment and display His divine power by healing a man born blind.
No doubt Jesus' brothers were around Jerusalem during this period of His ministry, but they are still numbered among those who did not believe. But the resurrection of Jesus from the dead would change their inward understanding of the Messiah, and radically alter their outward reality and conform it to the truth, that which is in accord with reality itself defined by the creator of reality.
Imagine these brothers, who grew up with Jesus and played the games boys play. Shopped with Him and their common mother at the market. Trained with Him under the tutelage of their father Joseph (who was of course was not Jesus' biological father, but nonetheless was their common earthly father) in the family carpentry business.
Imagine the weight of the truth, as it came washing over them as a tidal wave, that "our Brother who claimed only to be a half brother, who others accused as being a child of adultery, is in fact the long awaited and long desired Messiah of Israel, God's anointed, who Dad said would 'save His people from their sins!'"
Has this truth crashed across you waiting shores, or have you built a levy, attempting to keep the truth out?

Imagine.......what it must have been like for His brothers
Imagine what it can be like for you......